How did everyone grow up so fast?

Sweet Jesus my little brother is turning 6 this year! I looked through my calendar today and just realized that he’s not a kid anymore. I’m not a kid anymore. Ohwell, I’ll always be a kid but you know… I’m not that young anymore. I have grown.
It’s really fun knowing that my classmates are persons I have known for, what is it, 9 years and when I first stepped into my classroom, we were all kids. Kids with silly hairdo’s and that babyfat was still on our bodies, and with our parents standing right behind us clapping our shoulders as a gesture of proudness. That’s how I remember the first day at school.

I look at my brother and I think of how small his hands used to be, years ago. How the only words he could say was ”dada”. I was a proud big sister, still am. You’ll have to search for long to find a prouder big-sis in this world.
Isak is smart and very imaginative. He’s creating his own little inventions that may not always seem so logical or realistic but still. Who am I to judge. Been there, done that too. He’s a bright kid and he’s really good at mathematics. Out of nowhere he came home one day and he did the addition. Like ”two plus five is seven”. Me and Mama were all like ”Uhhh… yea that’s right??”

It’s funny how the word proudness is kind of… I don’t know, touching? And of course it’s not the word that is so touching, it is the feeling you get. When you’re either PROUD or when someone is PROUD OF you. I think it’s very emotional. When I see someone who’s like really proud of their kids on TV or something like that, I just feel like… is proudness some sort of direct link to appreciation? Or like the highest level of appreciation? When you know someone’s proud of you, you feel very appreciated, right? And it’s not just appreciation you feel.

The kids are not the only ones getting old. My parents are aswell. They’re not OLD, just oldER. But that’s kind of hard for me to judge because ever since I was born, they were grownups. And grownups doesn’t change generally as much as children do when growing up. My parents has always been the same for as long as I can remember even though a few changes in our lives had to change us. I love my parents. I wish they knew somehow that every single time I get mad and snap at them, the second after doing that I feel terrible. I know they want what’s best for me but it’s not always working out.
My parents have taught me a lot. But there’s one thing in particular that keeps crossing my mind. They’ve taught me so I know exactly how I want to raise my kids. What to do and what to not do for them. It is very important to have these thoughts in mind whenever it’s time. And yet I have many years left to change my thoughts and opinions about that. But don’t get me wrong, even though I love babies I really don’t want one of my own, for maany years.

Hmm, you know what? I came up with this idea that some day I’ll write about divorce. You know, what it’s like being a kid with divorced parents, stuff like that. Benefits and disadvantages. Is that a good idea? I know a couple of young people who has gone through the same, but ”divorce” can be so different, it really depends on what family you’re talking about.
I know twice as many people who are UNFAMILIAR with the situation and I think it could be helpful because, who knows, it can happen to anyone. Even Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. I’m not saying it happens to every family but maybe someone’s friend is going through their parent’s divorce? Then it might be a good idea to at least have a clue what you’re talking about in order to be able to comfort this person. Not everyone are taking this whole separation-thing very well.
I honestly haven’t really seen anyone write about that so therefore I want to. And I will. Trust me. 🙂


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