Ooh shit

Jag började nyss gråta för att jag tänkte på London. Och på vår underbara värdsmamma som vi bodde hos. Friheten i London var så… overwhelming. Så behövligt för både mig och Mahomi. Even though I didn’t feel like home at first (which was a bit scary really) I just had this feeling that those three weeks in London were gonna be amazing. And they were.

You always get a special kind of feeling when you’re at a new place with new unfamiliar people for a long time. Particular things may remind you of memories. And the memories doesn’t necessarily have to be very important, it’s just that you have this feeling inside and you.. you don’t really know what it is.. It’s just.. You miss it too much. You want to have these feelings, to experience these moments again.

I just looked at the underground map of London and it reminded me of the first day we got to London. We met our hostmum and she was really nice and as soon as we got to the car, I looked at Mahomi and I knew that she was thinking the same, THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME.
Our hostmum played really nice music in the car and I was so released that she wasn’t like an old whiny lady, she really rocked. And she told us she had a cat and by then I had already fallen in love with this place. I looked at these goorgeous houses as we went by and everything was just like I had seen London on TV.
The first day with the language travelling people was (as I remember it) a bit boring and that day I don’t think we spoke English at all. I wanted to go home to our hostmum, and so later we did. We had to be home at 11 pm and we thought that it would be no problem to get home, we were absolutely going to be on time!… Or not. We were a bit lost and we took the wrong ways like a million times and FINALLY we decided to ask a woman and she had the lovliest Brittish lady-voice you can imagine!

At the evening (and the mornings) we really were exhausted… We fell asleep almost immediately and woke up at.. I don’t remember. At the mornings we always took a shower, had breakfast, told our hostmum about the plans of the day and then we had to run to the train. Me and Mahomi seemed to have a tendency to be late for EVERYTHING. We were late for class, for the meetings, to get home in time and though we really tried to make it in time, it never worked. But no one was ever that mad at us, haha.

I miss our long chats we had at the evening and the food she made to us… I really loved her food. Before we went to London we were a bit sceptic because everyone told us the British people didn’t have much of cooking skills. But she made us very good food. I love her spaghetti bolognese… And the snacks she gave us before we went to bed.
I think we all came along very well, and we all enjoyed the evening chats. I learned a thing or two.

London gave us very, very useful experiences for life. I miss everything there.. I wan’t to go back there with Mahomi as soon as possible; to meet Shirley (and Cookie the cat) and to go to Primark to buy stuff.
Someone buy me a ticket to London for a free hug? 🙂


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