I’m back from London!


Had the most amazing trip to London. Met a LOT of new friends, so now I can keep in touch with them on Facebook since they are from different countrys. I miss them…
My hostfamily was amazing aswell; a woman and her cat, living in a small flat in High Barnet (northern line). It was so cozy! Both me and my friend Mahomi were staying there for three weeks.
And her food was delicious, specially Spaghetti Bolognese. Before I was a little worried that we wouldn’t have enough food in our bellys but she made the best meals.

The day when she dropped us of to wait for the flight bus, we were crying. And the leader were standing there, saying to our hostmom:
”You are the first one to make our students cry like that!”
Yep, she was right. We were so close to each other, in only three weeks! We could talk about anything, and she trusted us and we trusted her. She told us things her family didn’t even know about, she had that much trust in us. I miss her.

I am so going back NeXT year! (Well, hopefully…)


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