Spring vs Summer

When people ask what season of the year they prefer, most people would say summer. I used to do that too. Then I started thinking… When am I most happy? What season? The answer to that used to be summer because of all the pleasant warm things you can do, your have a lot of spare time and you don’t have to dress in layers of warm clothes and it doesn’t get dark so quickly. Things like that make us appreciate the summer.
Then I realized, somewhere in the middle of the summer, I always get some sort of summertime sadness knowing that from now on it’s getting darker and darker for every day, one step closer to winter. Then you get that lump that drops in your stomach with the feeling of ”oh no”…
Then I started thinking, spring then? It is a bit chilly and it has shitty days without sun at times. But don’t we appreciate the fine spring days more than we would if that day was in the summer? In the summer, we EXPECT fine days. In spring we HOPE for them so much so when we finally get them, we appreciate them more and we don’t get that feeling of disappointment if we don’t.
Also, in the spring we have the whole summer to look forward to, don’t we?

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